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Building and using CLI Wallet

Understand the Wallet implementation

GUI Desktop Wallet

Author: Poolboy51 |

Build your own development GUI wallet with NodeJS and Electron

Project setup

git clone
cd epic-gui-wallet
npm install 
npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root)

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run electron:serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run electron:build

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Customize epic-wallet version

This project comes with a pre-built CLI epic-wallet, available in the relative path "resources/bin". If desired, you can compile and build an updated version of the CLI epic-wallet project to replace the pre-built one.

Required deps

NodeJs v17.9.0
npm 8.5.5


sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev


Wallet can't authenticate to node API

  • Error code: 0x1645779384 - Request failed with status code 401;
  • Solution: Check if your Node API secret and path to file are correct;

Node status is not accessible

  • Error code: 0x1645779384 - Request failed with status code 401;
  • Solution: Check if the node api is accessible via:
    • Mainnet:
    • Usernet:

If the node is not accessible, you may need to either: - Start the server;

Or, alternatively: - Open the epic-server.toml file located at your Epic home path (e.g., "C:\Users\\\.epic\" in Windows) and update the api_secret_path variable to point to the .api_secret file located at the custom wallet directory; - Restart the server;

Version 3.0.0

created and developed by (


Vitex Wallet EPIC Address:
